About Global champions
Thank you for your interest in Global Champions. We are people like you from all over the world who are partnering together to create a Global Champions network and presence in their schools to positively transform students, families, campus environment and communities.
For over 30 years, Global Champions has seen approximately 3.0 million students participate and graduate from it's courses: transformed by the power of positive team coaching. Students become committed to live a transformed life, and to bring transformation to their family and communities. This has happened because of people like you; who have passionately and sacrificially supported and volunteered to go into the classrooms to reach these students.
In this introduction, you will find information to help you discover what Global Champions is about and what the Global Champions Courses could look like in your schools. Then you can discern whether these highly interactive and beneficial programs are right for your students. This introduction is meant to be a quick overview, not an exhaustive source; the International Campus Strategies Team at Global Champions is here and ready to answer and coach you through more in-depth questions.
Our desire is that through your willingness to partner with Global Champions to begin courses in your schools, you will experience the wonder of this major transformation movement.
Together, nothing is impossible,
Dr. Steven and Victoria Long
GC Founding Directors
GC International Campus Strategies Team
GC Online Campus Coaches