Senior High
Curriculum or Club Scope - Greater Depth and Interaction
Understanding the many demands of preparation for college and university - Champions can be presented as a “club” or as curriculum. Many schools choose to allow students who desire to participate in Champions to do so in the club format - knowing that it enhances students’ lives - even though not as time consuming as normal curricular courses. The high school format, then continues on with the same general subjects, but digs more into each to benefit the student’s overall performance.
1. An in depth look at PROBLEM SOLVING COURSE
Life is like climbing a high mountain, a champion will have confidence and perseverance to win over challenges and have wisdom and strength to break through difficulties and know how to seek help and support at the right time.
This Champions course focuses on problem solving skills. Champions counseling teachers accompany and guide students to go through the gate of victory in the learning process. Students will learn how to increase confidence, stimulate potential, face and solve all kinds of problems, deal with frustration and stress, and establish goals in life with skills to eventually reach those goals.
Life can seem like a roller coaster ride, sometimes you are going up and sometimes you are going down. Then there are also many steep curves and bumps that make you hold on tight for a safe ride. Champions have the skills to be victorious on their ride through life, along with the ability to seek help and support along the way.
This Champions course focuses on emotions management skills. Champions counseling teachers accompany and guide students to go through the gate of victory in the learning process. Students will learn how to increase emotional stability, stimulate positive emotions, deal with frustration and stress, and establish goals in communications with self, family, friends and community.